Newcastle Transport Hub open for business
**This article is from 2017. Please check newcastletransport.info or contact us for the latest information**
Saturday 1 July will mark the start of a journey to improve transport in Newcastle when Keolis Downer takes responsibility for operating Newcastle Transport bus and ferry services and the Newcastle Transport Hub opens in the heart of the city.
Located in Hunter Street Mall adjacent to Market Street Lawn, the Newcastle Transport Hub will centralise customer service as a space where the public can find out information and talk to the team face to face.
Chief Executive Officer of Keolis Downer Hunter, Campbell Mason, said the Hub will be important in building trust with the community by helping customers understand how to take full advantage of the Newcastle Transport network.
“We want to give Newcastle customers the confidence to get on-board public transport.
“Our customer service staff are there to assist locals and visitors with journey planning, travel information, fares, ticketing and feedback.
“The Hub is the first step in making it easier for everyone to get around. Next year we will be delivering clock-face timetables, higher frequency services and better connections between modes.
There will be no major changes to timetables in 2017. The local community now has the opportunity to have their say on the future of the network, which will be rolled out in January 2018.
“We need to hear from the community to ensure we deliver a network that locals want.
“There are a number of ways to get involved or stay up to date including Social Pinpoint, the Newcastle Transport website and Facebook.
“From Saturday, we will be out in the community to celebrate this important step in transforming Newcastle’s public transport.
“We also encourage everyone to visit the new Hub, ask questions, get to know the team and have your say on the future of network for Newcastle.
Newcastle Transport Hub
152 Hunter Street, Newcastle
Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm
Saturday, 9am – 5pm